If I wake up in the morning
and I say it's a fucking
beautiful day today
would you tell me not to use
the language that way
Is that wrong?
If I throw myself threw a
window and I've had fun doin' it
and I've cost a lot of people
a lot of money
is that wrong?
If I go out with a girl one
night and I don't happen to
treat her right
and she goes running back
home to her mum
is that wrong?
and if I get into a fight that
I shouldn't have got into with
someone in the first place
and he ends up beatin' the
shit outa me
is that wrong?

Taking a motor scooter into a
football ground in 5000 pieces
is wrong and throwing it onto
the pitch when your team are down,
is that wrong?
If taking all your apples to
market knowing that they're full of holes rotten to the
core and you still sell them
and people want more
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is that wrong?
If you grind your teeth in
the movies when everybody's
trying to watch the picture
and they can hear nothing but you
is that wrong?
If you happen to be high at
the time and it ain't you in someone
else's mind and you can't help yourself
is that wrong?

Wrong is Right
If you're at a party in a basement and you let off a
percussion grenade and
three people need to buy
themselves hearing aids
is that wrong?
If you run screaming naked
down in the road
screaming for a fix
crying I'm the toad
I don't know what's
the middle of the road
will it hit me?
will I bend?
I don't know this is probably the end
Is that Wrong?
Wrong is Right