Paper Flags


In the east end of London
Fly the Union Jacks
Ready for one more royal event
A gift from the great working class
Born the heart of the city
When they first heard the bow bells
Their taxes pay for this stupid parade
A circus carnival

Look at the paper flags waving
To celebrate what?
The royal wave gives the finger
To the poor and the lost

Why don't they bring out the ballots
When the queen takes a crap
Can't they see that it's a royal event
Like the birth of one more royal brat
Time for a small revolution
Vacate the Buckingham zoo
Let them run free in this big scary world
And get to eat some cake too

Look at the paper flags waving
To celebrate what?
The royal wave gives the finger
To the poor and the lost

The crown will soon lose its luster
When realized diamonds are nothing but rocks

Look at the paper flags waving
To celebrate what?
The royal wave gives the finger
To the poor and the lost
Look at the paper flags waving
To celebrate what?
The royal wave gives the finger
Are you getting the plot?