

Don't know how much I'm feeling
Don't know whether to can change or not
But now I know
Don't think I'm going to be okay

Don't know how much I'm feeling
Don't know whether to can change or not
But now I know
Like a lonely monster

What should I do?
What's wrong with me?
Help me oh help me if there is a god

いつかこんな日が来ることが わかっていたはずなのに
身体中を切り裂いても 痛みなんて今更もう...

Don't know how much I'm feeling
Don't know whether to can change or not
But now I know
Like a crazy monster

What should I do?
What's wrong with me?
Just make it easy if there is a god

いつの日か见た景色は 薄れて行く呆気なく
届きそうで届かなくて 行ったり来たり梦追うだけ...

いつかこんな日が来ることが わかっていたはずなのに
身体中を切り裂いても 痛みなんて今更...

この场所にいたい けど“痛い”