Frankie... Annette 
One day I took a trip in my car 
And went straight down Golden State 
And went to the beach 
But when I got there I just want to cry 
Cuz there were so many people 
I didn't know what to do 
Cuz every time I go there 
My board gets covered with oil 
Every time I go there 
Some hodad steals my wax 
And when I get on top of those 
The guy he cuts me off 
Why do they cut me off 
There's stupid idiots in the water 
They keep cut me off 
There's too many surfers 
I wanna kill myself 
You know... 

I hate surfing in HB 
Hate surfing in HB 
Hate surfing in HB 

The chicks are jerks 
The guys think their so cool 
They just look at each other 
And always try and steal the surf 
But not on my wave this time buddy 
I'm gonna push you down 
I'm gonna take the wave 
That wave is, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine 
You're not gonna take it from me 
Cuz I've got it 
I'm getting in there 
I'm in the tube, boy I'm really getting off 
I'm getting off 
I'm surfing this is fucking cool 

I hate surfing in HB 
Hate surfing in HB 
Hate surfing if the waves are always shitty 

Ohh... well we can always go to the beach party and find girls 

Hey... Isn't, isn't that Bill floating in the shore break.