Prayers of mankind scream through the time
Rowing toward the darkness, perceiving my shadows
The world dreams of a peaceful life by the Soviet anthem
Ready to fight, our revenge begins

Deeds remain and resound in the glory
My "nome de guerre" will rise up your hearts
Step by step until the last regrets
We will find the courage regained
Snow thirsty - millions of human cries
I feel you everywhere but I can't embrace you all...

Upon "Death" word snow keeps on falling... can you hear me?
Through all winters I've found the soviet pride

Life or fall... take my Sacred War
Life or fall... take your power for the Sacred War

[Пусть Ярость Благородная
Вскипает, как волна
Идет Война народная
Священная война]

Your pride... my pride...
My pride

[Locked into yourself there's something I need
And untill the end... I will try to take out
the blood inside my hands.
My name's on black gallows..
Follow my pace, run with me for the victory
And cry, cry.. another cry in the mist.
Believe in my promise, in this foolish sacrifice
And come, come, come into this sleet
I promise you lots of golden ice...]

Deeds remain and resound in the glory
My "nome de guerre" will rise up your hearts

Life or fall... take my Sacred War
Life or fall... take your power for the Sacred War
Your pride... my pride... I'll rise