Black Nurse


Beyond poor
 Beyond ostracized
 Destined to be obscured
 Beyond right in your offset eyes

 On dominus ground
 If what I say isn't true
 I do it to reason with you
 Kiss and no tell
 The police down at the motel

 I'm aware, I see
 Yet somewhere as you reach down
 I'm afraid you'll want me to go without

 I'm aware, I see; yes, I do
 Yet somewhere as you reach down
 I'm afraid you'll want me to go without
 To return what I've given out

 Beyond poor
 Beyond ostracized
 Destined to be obscured
 Beyond right in your husband's eyes
 Does he bow when you're around?

 What I say isn't true
 But I do it to reason with you
 Kiss and no tell
 The last man in was the first to take the vow

 I'm aware, I see; yes, I do
 Yet somewhere as you reach down
 I'm afraid you'll want me to go without

 I'm aware, I see; yes, I do
 Yet somewhere as you reach down
 I'm afraid you'll want me to go without
 Return what I've given out