Go away, won´t you just go away
Go away, don´t you come back one day
Take your stuff, take all of your precious things
Leave right now, who knows what tomorrow brings

Stay away, won´t you please stay away
Live your life, live it real far away
Save yourself, there´s no way to get it all
Look around the writing is on the wall

And when you go, I won´t miss you at all
And when you go, I´ll be having a ball you will see
Thoughts of you, won´t ever cross my mind
It´s the truth, don´t mean to be unkind

´Cause people have the right to party
And you won´t let them have their fun
See ya, wouldn´t wanna be ya
Auf wiedersehen, au revoir, shalom

Yeah, people have the right to party
And we´re not waiting till you´re gone
Ciao, bye bye, hasta la vista
Fare thee well, adios, so long

Go away, would you please go away
Go away, you´re outta here come what may
Hit the road, don´t bother to say goodbye
Don´t care how, don´t even matter why

And when you go, I won´t miss you at all
And when you go, I´ll be having a ball you will see
Thoughts of you, won´t ever cross my mind
It´s the truth, don´t mean to be unkind

People have the right to party
And you won´t let them have their fun
See ya, wouldn´t wanna be ya
Auf wiedersehen, au revoir, shalom

Yeah, people have the right to party
And we´re not waiting till you´re gone
Ciao, bye bye, hasta la vista
Fare thee well, adios, so long

Ciao, bye bye, hasta la vista
Fare thee well, adios, so long