

Starved into insanity
 crushed beneath their mangled corpses
 Trapped and bleeding as I languish
 Ravenous and filled with anguish
 In this rotting heap-savage appetites around
 As their blood pours in my mouth, In a frenzy I devour
 Body surging with new power
 With each shred I chew!

 I shall emerge from this
 rotten mound Of putrid bodies,
 feeling a hunger extreme!
 Digesting the remains,
 stomach filled with rancid meat
 Insatiable I crave
 for the taste of living flesh...living flesh

 with the strength of ten
 Crippling my helpless prey, making sure they survive
 Masticating chunks of flesh savoring their succulence
 Delighted by the tortured screams
 Voracious cont tasting better while alive

 Bled and butchered just like cattle
 As I feast the more I crave
 Satisfied for only seconds,
 When I shit out their remains