An Ocean of Wisdom


"A year after his last words were circulated throughout the land, the 13th Dalai Lama died. According to custom, his body was embalmed, dressed in gold brocade robes, placed in the lotus position and seated facing south- the direction of long life-...Checking the Dalai Lamas corpse one morning, attendant monks entered its sealed chamber and found that the head had moved. No longer facing south, it had turned towards the northeast. Repositioned, it was again discovered facing east. In the ensuing months further signs appeared.
[John. F Avedon, In Exile from the Land of Snow]

 Being left soul-abandoned, facing south
 As a new born one
 Seeds o compassion, shall be found
 The oracle's trance told mystical signs
 Incarnation's quest
 Leading towards the rising sun

 To the lake of visions
 For answers, they will seek
 Staring peacefully
 Omens through the waters
 Amongst majestic peaks
 Letters, clearly seen


 Auspicious journey
 Foreshadowed signs revealed
 Guiding prophetically
 Omens, to be answered
 A young child, they will meet
 Chosen, shall he be?

 To the lake of visions
 For answers, they will seek
 Staring peacefully
 Omens, to be answered
 A young child, they will meet
 Chosen, shall he be?