Nickels For Your Nightmares


Penny for your thoughts,
Nickels for your nightmare,
Dime for your dying dreams,
Dollars for luck & despair.

Who shot J.F.K. and who shot Tupac?
Who shot us with everything they've had?
From TV to toothpicks,
No such thing as Brandos.
Apocalypse is now viable and capable,
Dreams are applicable as well.
Sayin' doin' doin' is sayin' meaning is knowin',

Tired that's all retarded worldwide.
Games are a beautiful plaything.
Bored with the dice pieces and brandy, fireplace.
Encyclopedias with everything possibly imaginable
Close to fucking right off
Painting the time the card players sing as they fuck off.

If that's all it takes, what could it possibly contain.
It's sickening as the dogs.
In seconds I've wrecked it and the landfill