Itty Bitty Ditty

Nashville Cast

My grandaddy used to widdle while my daddy played the fiddle
In the middle of the front porch swing
And my sister used to giggle at a silly little riddle
Bout some brittle and a diamond ring
While my mama fixed the bittles on her little kitchen griddle
You could hear the metal tea kettle sing
While my grandaddy widdled and my daddy played the fiddle
In the middle of a front porch swing

Here I go

My grandaddy used to widdle while my daddy played the fiddle
In the middle of the front porch swing
And my sister used to giggle at a silly little riddle
Bout some brittle and a diamond ring
While my mama fixed the bittles on her little kitchen griddle
You could hear the metal tea kettle sing
While my grandaddy widdled and my daddy played the fiddle
In the middle of a front porch swing