Bring Us More


come on, come on
alright, alright now…
it’s time to get fucked up
they tried living in peace, it didn’t go so well
they tried being at ease, but it was boring as hell
so now it’s time to turn around and try the opposite approach...
heavy drinking sex and drugs and gambling and violence!

bring it to me
it’s time I had it all
moderation is a fallacy
we’re not waiting for the fall (or are we waiting on the fall?)
sinking deeper in
I’m rising higher than I’ve
ever been before
so kill this conscience-clad delirium
and bring us more

now they’ve got some more (more)
and they all rejoice (more)
they just want some more (more)
this is purely by choice
whatever it is,
they want more than one
because life is dull
when you don’t have fun
so they bide their time,
because they’re never gonna die
might as well take an eon
and just get high
bring it to me
it’s time (I had it all)
moderation is a fallacy
we’re not waiting for the fall (or are we waiting on the fall?)
sinking deeper in
I’m rising higher than I’ve ever been before
so kill this conscience-clad delirium
and bring us more

it’s wearing off
our problems were supposed to be solved
but they’re not, we’re still alive
so let’s do some more
hurry up and bring it here
there’s no time to waste
we’re getting angry
getting conscious & getting bored
wait, I think it’s working

that was a good call
now we’re definitely gonna be happy… forever
now the gutter’s overflown
and the streets are flooded
with the bile of the drunk
and the blood of the gutted
what in god’s name is this shit?
and what have we been thinking?
who gives?!
let’s just take another hit
and keep on drinking
bring it to me
it’s time (I had it all)
moderation is a fallacy
we’re not waiting for the fall (or are we waiting on the fall?)
sinking deeper in
I’m rising higher than I’ve
ever been before
kill this conscience-clad delirium