On june fifth, in the year of eighty-nine, 
He was unarmed with focused mind 
Deflance glared down the barrel of the gun 
Pointed from a tank in tiananmen square 
And he stood there: 
To control, to manipulate, 
The media his power slave 
He knew the world was watching, 
Knew he had a plan 
To confront the powerful tyranny 
In the square of tiananmen 
Ecstatic youth played with fire, 
Freedom wash over them 
Democracy their desire, 
The tiananmen man had a plan 
Manipulate the media 
He used blind faith in the face of anarchy, 
The cybernetic rapture has begun to envelop me 
Freedom is the rush, 
Adrenaline high, 
Choice of the oppressed wiling to die 
Like a hostage the government holds your drug 
To control, to manipulate, 
The media his power slave 
He knew the world was watching, 
Knew he had a plan 
To confront the powerful tyranny 
In the square of tiananmen 
Ecstatic youth played with fire, 
Freedom wash over them 
Democracy their desire, 
The tiananmen man had a plan 
Manipulate the media 
His act was a cybernetic gesture 
His act was a cybernetic gesture 
He knew the world was watching, 
Knew he had a plan 
To confront the powerful tyranny 
In the square of tiananmen 
Ecstatic youth played with fire, 
Freedom wash over them 
Democracy their desire, 
The tiananmen man had a plan 
Manipulate the media, 
Manipulate the media 
Manipulate to control