Infinitesimal to the Infinite


Infinitesimal to beyond 
Our cognitive processing of infinity
The cosmos is all that is all that ever was 
From lightspeed to absolute zero

Our brief history of time 
Confined to a pale blue dot
From the outer realms of obscurity
Our self centered greed arrogant neglect
The cause and effect
Death of our own species

Micro an aggrivated cluster 
Of providential elements
Disparate our grandeur 
Of anthropocentric significance
Irrelevant devoid 
Of worth inconsequential being
Macro forever enveloped 
In cosmic darks black embrace

The vast cosmic nothingness
From the dawn of time
To the never ending future
Infinitesimal to the infinite

Micro to macro obliteration
Macro to micro regeneration
Create to destroy destroy to create
Opening dimensions of another trait
Infinitesimal to the infinite