The Long Road


Bring your attitude, bring your will to win
We're going down the mountain boys 
May take it on the chin 
Alert the multitudes, and wear your thickest skin
We're going down the mountain boys 
Little pig, little pig, let me come in

It's not enough to heed the call 
It's not enough for the long haul 
It's not enough, so give it your all 
Onward, onward-upward 

We've walked the long road a thousand times before 
We held out head high and kicked right down the door
We've walked the long road a thousand times before 

Pack your fortitude, your honor and your fight 
We're going down the mountain boys 
With an undivided right
Give 'em what they came for, by dawn's early light 
We're goin' down the mountain boys 
By god man, we will ignite

In the sun, 'til it's done, marching on
In the sun, 'til it's done, marching on 
In the sun, 'til it's done