

At the dawning of the second morning from the execution day
 Women approached the private sepulchre where the dead
 Messiah lay
 They queried amongst themselves as to who would roll the stoneaway
 But then when they looked up they saw that providence held sway
 On entering the sepulchre where the Son of God had lain
 There were strips of cloth, garments of death, but no bodily remains
 The angel questioned "Why seek the living among the dead?
 He is not here, He is risen, just as He had said."
 They killed the author of life but God has raised Him from death
 He was not abandoned to the grave, nor did His body see decay
 After He had died He rose from the grave, untombed

 Now it came to pass as two men walked along Emmaus road
 The risen Himself drew near to them, was invited to their abode
 And it came to pass as He reclined with them He broke bread as day found night
 Their eyes were opened and they knew Him well
 Then He vanished from their sight
 Whilst the disciples assembled behind locked doors because they feared the Jews
 The risen Christ stood in their midst and He uttered "Peace to you."
 Filled with fear they trembled thinking Him to be a ghost
 But they clearly saw that He was flesh and bone
 Killed was the author of life but God has raised Him from death
 He was not abandoned to the grave, nor did His body see decay
 After He had died He rose from the grave, untombed

 [Forty days later]
 Then as He was speaking before the eleven
 He raised His hands in blessing and ascended to Heaven
 Where He is seated at the right hand of God