

Otta control 
Out of our minds 
Losing our faith, faith in mankidn 
It's about us 
It's about time!! 
It's not what you think 
It's not a free state 
It never once was 
Isn't that great? 
You're walking in step with the forces of hate 
So tell me how you're proud to be American vis a vis "say can ya fuckin see"? 
Identifying enemies to unify our populace for the betterment of you and me 
Oh, and now it's too late 
There's no turning back the nazis of hate in red, white and black 
You're un-American!!! 
Dow of all fours, do as you told, media whores 
Mission control's spinnin' lies, sellin' soles 
Torture confirmed, the mission's a mess 
Laws overturned, time to protest the power elite and their special interests 
A self inflicted prophecy of military supremacy for national security 
Shred the Bill of Rights and then make us all feel scared again 
Incriminate the poison pen 
Oh, now it's too late 
We're under attack from forces within to fuckin Iraq 
Your un-American!!!