My Prussian-blue electric clock's 
alarm bell rings, it will not stop 
and I can see no end in sight 
and search in vain by candlelight 
for some long road that goes nowhere 
for some signpost that is not there 
And even my befuddled brain 
is shining brightly, quite insane 

The chandelier is in full swing 
as gifts for me the three kings bring 
of myrrh and frankincense, I'm told, 
and fat old Buddhas carved in gold 
And though it seems they smile with glee 
I know in truth they envy me 
and watch as my befuddled brain 
shines on brightly quite insane 

Above all else confusion reigns 
And though I ask no-one explains 
My eunuch friend has been and gone 
He said that I must soldier on 
And though the Ferris wheel spins round 
my tongue it seems has run aground 
and croaks as my befuddled brain 
shines on brightly, quite insane