You Got Old

Robbie Williams

Old, old, you got old 

Spell it!

Y O L A N A N A Oh shut up 
Just gaze upon me, I'm a man in my prime
You old git!

Made distingush smelling divine


You need and eye in to get rid of those lines

Hey look who's talking pot kettle, kettle pot

The bossa novar is out of your league

The bossiv what?

Two minutes standing, and you got fatigue

Get off your soapbox, your nose gonna bleed

'Cause you got old!

Come on Grandad, keep up

Oh, I don't think I can!

I think I'm cool enough to jive with the kids

That shipped has sailed

I'm only express and you're on the scales

That train had derailed

I'm on the brink of something bigger than big

Like one epic fail

Easy popsy, where's your zimmer, close your mouth, your celevating

You know there's ladies that think I'm a hunk 
Are they religious 'cause your hair's like a monk

Just keep your clothes on since everything shrunk
Cause you got old

I meant to ask you did it come in the mail?


Your telegram from the Queen


Are you wearing those teeth in for the Doc

Then I'll tell you the truth
But you forgettin'


The rumour is you keep your teeth in a jar

You're going somewhere, but not going far

Reach for the oxygen and best take a car
Cause you got old 

Right then, let me give this a try

Go on then, off ya go

Y O U O L G G W A T I 
Don't wanna tell you now this sortive thing 

I've seen you clinging to the days of your youth

Now, you're going grey at the gooth

Yes, distal def


And people say you're just as old as you feel, well you're pretty cool

Hey, you think?


If you still got it, then I need a shrink

You solve the mystery of the one missing link

You brush your hair and find it all in the sink
Cause you...

We got old

We got old

We got old

Ah I don't feel very good

Oh keep going you fool! [Jonathan laughs]