

Another boring day is close to the end 
We share the last glass of wine 
Much too tired to move, head on my hands 
Avoid to look into your eyes 

Let's watch a movie, watch a comedy 
Watch pornography 
Fast food for our minds 
The rich man's far too fat 
I don't like his grin 
But all the women try to mate with him 

If we really share a functional design 
An adapted mind 
This might prevent our lives from parasites 
Still, it's a big waste of time 

All the answers 
To the questions 
This protein structure asks 
Play 'hard-to-get' and this is 
Why we want them so badly 
I'd like to regress 
To an infant psyche 
'Feed me, feed me, feed me' 

If we really share a functional design 
An adapted mind 
This might prevent our lives from parasites 
Still, it's a big waste of time