Fossilized flower I can smell your perfume 
covering the distance that 
was called into being between us, 
from the unexploited accumulation 
of different moments 
This gift is my inheritance and I honour it 
by continuing my journey, in the curve 
of the infinite alternating universes. 

With anchor the three stable points 
that compose your dimensional trap 
I can pause and dive in your mortality. 

Reality is a rain 
drops are falling, are they the same ? 

Some will penetrate the earthen surface 
and will transform the hidden seed. 
Just like fantasy can turn 
an empty scenery into a heaven. 

Its balance with reason is the scheme 
of creation and destruction 

Every dream needs a dreamer 
to blossom somebody 
to sense its perfume even 
when he is blinded 
from the light of day 
Can you smell it too ? 
The perfume of life