Here's another tale, a replay of society's failures 
Out for ourselves, bred to consume in pursuit of wealth
And the ones in charge, once secure show disregard 
For future generations who must endure what's left behind 

No compassion, no caution, no forethought 
Potential for a fall 
No forethought, no vision, no future
Potential for a fall 
Go about our lives as we turn a blind eye 
As long as I get mine 
Potential for a fall 
Submissive, complacent, sit back and let it slip away
Just can't seem to hold it together 

And yet we continue with the charade of being individuals
As we get spoon-fed, kept in check by the latest trends 
Are we that shallow? is getting your groove on all that matters
I'm not asking you to bleed but show consideration please 
Sit back and let it slip away
We can't seem to hold it together we can't seem to get it right