After the song was over 
Nearly every person there 
Went to the cathedral's basement 
And started setting up tables and chairs 
For that night this church would feed 
Any person in life who had less 
And both those that gave and those that received 
Left that night feeling blessed 
Then the angel remembered something 
That his lord's son had once said 
On how one truly followed him 
When words and acts were wed 
Some people claim to follow him 
But themselves they just deceive 
For his lord's son had said, 
"you will know who truly follows me 
Not by what they say, but by their deeds" 
And this church was clearly filled 
With kind people of goodwill 
But the angel had more time left on this night 
And continued to search on still 
So the angel left the parishioners 
With their christmas meal in happy bliss 
And returned once more to the hotel 
To make sure that there was no one there he had missed 
And passing by a village square 
He heard a brass quartet 
Whose christmas concerto in the key of g 
He felt lighten his every step 