Scorches the sky
Raining down
Burning the ground
Born to war
Charge the shores
And Nazi fines

We are your conquerors your sole demise 
Were here to seal your fate and take your life 
By cold steal and guts we charge your lines 
Your tyrant rule will fall and drown in fire

We stand firm
Side by side
As cannons
They roar
Blood spills red
On the sands
As soldiers
Push forward

Blood soaked ground
Scattered around
Roars in the air
Bombshells fall
Tearing the ground

We stand firm
Side by side
As cannons
They roar
Blood spills red
On the sands
As soldiers
Push forward 

The occupations will come to an end 
When the smoke clears from the air 
Europe will be free once again 
Their gasp will be forces open

Nations wide
Will rid the world
From subjugators
Fuels this war
As they land on the shore
Of Normandy

Wc stand firm
Side by side
As cannons
They roar
Blood spills red
On the sands
As soldiers
Push forward