You read the paper, 
Watch the news and think
Your well informed
I've got some news for you, my friend
That headline that you read, 
The story that broke
Was a scandal and a scam, 
A political master stroke
They tell you what 
They want you to hear
So close your eyes 
And open your ears

It's easier that way 
When you don't have to 
Think for your self, you say
I tell you no lies
I read it all in black and white
It was on my TV 
They were telling me 
Just what to believe
I tell you no lies 
All the while 
They're tellin' you lies

Everyday you and me, 
We see what we are shown
It's hard to scratch below
The people at the top, 
Are hidden far from view
They're not goin' to show their faces
To the likes of me and you
You never see them on the street
Always see the things that they do

They know they can get away 
And no price is too
High for them to pay

I tell you no lies
It's very simple 
It's in black and white
It's on your TV 
We got every thing 
You need to believe
I tell you no lies 
And all the while 
They are telling you lies