Blind steps far away
are getting closer slowly coming
When, no matter, they`ll have to face me
I'm here waiting for the blaze
A tiny movement lights my blaze 
it burns intense for bastards
I feel it comes from within
I always wanted, I always am that flame 
that shines to raze, to raze
you innocent preys
soon you`ll hear my name 
`cause I`m the one who seals your fate

Blind intruders 
you'll pay with your lives
I'll hurt and rape
your souls in long nights
you'll just see my light
my joy is hearing your cries

My name is on your skin 
the door is opened 
faces turn to me 
your body's broken
whatever is the pain you face
whatever is the payment
I won't forgive 
I'll release my spite and revulsion 
'till I'm pleased, 'till I'm pleased
you`ll kiss my will

I can punish the sin you never knew
I can be the thing you always fear
you'll never see my shape 
but always you'll be under my rage.

I`ll wait for it 
I`ll wait for you 
I`ll wait for hatred to burst out
Give me a sign 
give me a light
give me the key to slay you
I`m gonna be 
I`m gonna stay
wherever you put your footsteps
I wanna enjoy 
I wanna taste
the flavor of a sweet vengance