I'd like to invite you to my psychiatric office
Where my kind you'll find is a different kind
I'll listen to your troubles
And keep on pouring them doubles
And one way or the other
We'll get her off of your mind

'Cause I've been voted the most popular
Problem solvin' doctor in town
There ain't been a problem made
That me and my jug can't put down
I've been voted the most popular
Problem solvin' doctor in town
So if you're in their shoes and you've got bad news
My office hours are 9:00 to 2:00

I'll have your barstool ready with a glass of forgetter
Believe you me wait and see
You'll soon forget her
It won't take long once we start
To heal your poor old broken heart
And when you get her off your mind you'll find
Her memories couldn't be deader

'Cause I've been voted the most popular
Problem solvin' doctor in town...