Europa, neurotisch
Europa, neurotisch

Du bist von Psychosen fasziniert
Du liebst das Parfm deiner Neurosen

Apathie, Hysterie, Hypochondrie
Bulimie, Anorexie, Xenophobie

Du hast multiple Persnlichkeiten
Und Komplexe in vielen Faszetten

Wir sprechen von
Obsessionen, Perversionen

Europa, neurotisch ...

It's so different today
I hear every mother say
"Mother needs something today to calm her down"
And as she's not really ill
There's a little yellow pill
She goes running for the shelter
Of a mother's little helper
And he helps her on her way
Getting through a busy day

Doctor please, some more of these
Outside the door
She took four more
What a drag it is getting old

Europa neurotisch

It's so different today ...

Doctor please ..

Oh Doctor please!
Doctor please!
Doctor please!